
Life Storeys | Episode 2 – Part 1 | Kargil Vijay Diwas

Episode 2 – Part 1 of Life Storyes is a gripping podcast where we delve into the remarkable tales of military veterans. In conversation with Col Niranjan Oak (Retd), During this two-part series, Brigadier Subodh Mulgund (Retd), SM sheds light on the formidable challenges faced in providing combat medical cover in the most critical war zones. From the mobilisation of highly skilled medical and paramedical teams to the seamless operation of field hospitals, every life-saving operation on the battlefield is underpinned by meticulous planning and unwavering dedication.

But that’s not all! Brig Mulgund also treats us to some intriguing anecdotes that showcase the unshakable trust soldiers place in the army medical team. These heartwarming stories exemplify the invaluable bond between those who serve and those who safeguard our soldiers’ well-being.